All Nations Church is a life-giving church located in Fort McMurray and founded in 2020. We are a local church that exists to bring all nations to Jesus by loving God, loving people and loving life.

We bring all nations to Jesus by celebrating in church every Sunday morning, by serving the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and by enjoying life together in beautiful Northern Alberta!


Why we exist…

To Bring All Nations To Jesus

Psalm 86:9 (NIV) “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord:

they will bring glory to your name.”

Our Values.


Jesus Christ is our focus

Knowing Him reveals our identity

The Holy Spirit leads our lives

The Bible is true and relevant

God our Father is honoured with our bold prayers


Transformation through Jesus Christ is our desire

Serving others brings joy and freedom

Giving generously is our privilege and responsibility


Celebrating God our Father whole-heartedly is our priority

The Joy of the Lord is our strength